#Prentiss Place
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travelella · 11 months ago
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A Red Panda at Memphis Zoo, Prentiss Place, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joshua J. Cotten
Conservation status: Endangered (Population decreasing) 
Scientific name: Ailurus fulgens
Mass: 8.2 – 14 lbs (Male), 6.6 – 13 lbs (Female)
Class: Mammalia
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Ailuridae
Genus: Ailurus; F. Cuvier, 1825
The red panda, also known as the lesser panda, is a small mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.
The global red panda population has declined by 50% in 20 years and there may be as few as 2,500 remaining in the wild. Habitat loss is the #1 Threat. Rapid human population growth in the Eastern Himalayas is causing deforestation and the degradation and fragmentation of red panda habitat.
Red Panda Network
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ssaemilyhotchner · 1 month ago
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once again thinking about casual, salt-and-pepper hotchniss
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mortalscience · 5 days ago
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penelope garcia's hangover pad
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marril96 · 11 months ago
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Criminal Minds 13.02 | To a Better Place
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Relistening to tma is sooo fun because the amount of details and foreshadowing is insane.
Like, what do you mean Oliver Banks appeared in mag 32? What do you mean???
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isagrimorie · 7 months ago
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Criminal Minds Evolution 17x05 - Conspiracy vs Theory
"Ever since I was arrested, I have sold out every value I've held dear. And when you do that, it gets harder and harder to tell the difference between a 'conspiracy' and a conspiracy theory."
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charon-cries · 3 months ago
I really like your Prentiss, but I must say you put some fucken hips on that woman. This isn't a critique, merely an observation.
the better to fill with WORMS, my dear
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Put him in the BAU squad from Criminal Minds!
now tell me, who would be his bff?
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flaminghotjareau · 6 months ago
dear lord, when i get to heaven
please, let me bring my woman
when she comes, tell me that you’ll let her
she’s my sun, she makes me shine like diamonds
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wheelsup-sevenup · 2 months ago
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you might just have to stop the world just to stop the feeling…
honestly my first attempt at a portrait/painting style w/ digital art, but i think it came out okay! multiply/overlay layers i love you.
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its-a-geeks-world · 4 months ago
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FBI Declassified Files #3
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travelella · 11 months ago
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Memphis Zoo, Prentiss Place, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joshua J. Cotten
Speed: 50 mph (Maximum, Running)
Mass: 120 – 210 lbs (Adult)
Conservation status: Near Threatened (Population decreasing)
Scientific name: Panthera onca
Lifespan: 12 – 15 years (In the wild)
Height: 2.2 – 2.5 ft. (At Shoulder)
Bite force: around 1,500 pounds per square inch
The jaguar is a large cat species and the only living member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas. With a body length of up to 1.85 m and a weight of up to 158 kg, it is the biggest cat species in the Americas and the third largest in the world.
 Found from northern Mexico southward to northern Argentina. Its preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars also live in scrublands and deserts.
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starry-bite · 7 months ago
live episode reaction: "save the children" (cme 17x10)
ooh time for another formative trauma for my girl
i’m not emotional about dave and tara, you are
the wheelchairs would be so funny in another context
i love how their mission totally changes focus when em’s gone like fuck the strat we’ve gotta find emily
voit you’re so annoying i don’t want to fucking see or listen to you anymore
emily being the center of everything. conspiracy girlies just like me for real.
oh honey her list of kidnappings - cyrus 2008, doyle 2011, lewis 2017 (+bailey 2024)
ooh projector time
“you know, the first time i was out in the field i threw up.” “really?” “no. i was just trying to make you feel better.” I LOVE HER one thing about emily is she will extend such care even to this fuckin guy
paget brewster is about to deliver an incredible episode all while sitting down and i can’t wait
“you’re an only child, right? you scream only child.”
YOU HAVE A SISTER???? (i can’t decide if this is ridiculous and fucked up retroactive writer shit or if hiding a sibling from her colleagues for ~20 years is a deeply emily thing to do. or a secret third thing: spycraft lying to bailey about having a sibling so he’d be at ease/trust her/tell her more about his brother.)
oh secret siblings plotline my beloathed (interesting tie-in in this particular case it just Always rubs me the wrong way)
WAIT WAIT it's “i’m floating the idea of an eviler twin.”
“if we lose prentiss because of this, no classification in the world is gonna save you.” / “i’m not threatening your career, ray.” FUCK HIM UP ROSSI i for one would love these old men to fight
i know this is far from revelatory but god i fuckin hate madison he sucks. like. so much.
rebecca. wilson. you. rock.
“i agree, but this is emily.” full argument from ms. jareau, she said emily is a complete sentence
this brother thing is. just. so dumb.
“goddammit, i bit through my tongue.” this woman
ughh don’t call her jenny
“our special time in the cells” god and the grounding thing with her necklace this sucks so much i’m sorry jj
the way tyler is so quickly ride or die for emily this guys gets it
“and if i say no?” “voit doesn’t go, and emily dies.” oh dave
“not just the spirit but the letter of the law.” “really? you’re telling me this?” “i know. that’s why i’m not going.”
hey baby girl wtf was that?
YES JJ GETS HER CONFRONTATION i do wish she had any kind of support ever though. go jj being able to handle things but you shouldn’t have to (alone).
“he had a drive that… i used to have it.” tear my entire heart open why don’t you (this is a surprise tool that will help us later, i.e. come up with a vengeance next season)
the way emily sat up straight to die, believing so completely that jade was going to kill her and she was like ‘alright, let’s go. stand and face it bravely.’
catholic guilt emily goes hard as always
the thing that really shakes her is the idea of her team in danger. the way she would die in a heartbeat to save them. you don’t get it.
“do you know that feeling when you’re staring up at the ceiling and you’re thinking, what if it’s all bullshit? maybe it’s after a preacher’s sermon or your dad yelling at you or–” “or some man is done holding you down.” “so you know.” “i do.” “so you know that– that the only way to make it through is to just. buy all the bullshit. because the alternative is way too fucking hard.” / “we need you to tell us your truth.” “will you listen to me this time?” “yes. we will.”
yeah so i’m gonna be thinking about emily saying ‘or some man is done holding you down.’ for the rest of ever 
also about emily buying all the (bureau) bullshit, the grand mission, not a higher power but a higher purpose, a reason for her suffering, holding her faith in the system like religion (you can take the girl out of the catholic church etc)
i hate that we spent so much of the season finale getting cozy with a character we’d never met and weren’t meant to care about further than we could throw him and took the time for a long arrest montage sequence (and the gang standing around looking goofy af) and yet there was no time for a team reunion scene???? DumB
“not when your valor depends on my discretion.” emily prentiss you are INcredIBLE
emily ‘i will do the right thing if it kills me’ prentiss (phrase functions as threat, promise, devotion, degradation, and request all at once btw)
she is just. so catholic.
“i’m omnipresent” i love her
hooray you’re alive cake nope i’m dead this is the funniest possible choice
“so you were so high you couldn’t get off the couch?” “i thought i was dying. i have never been that high–ever. now, emily on the other hand…” “every time i think i know her, she surprises me with another secret.” LIKE A SECRET SISTER??? (also what an insane way to trivialize their deep connective moments in that episode. and does make me think even more about how jj probably would not have said anything like what she said if she hadn't been high off her ass.)
rebecca’s hair is bad here i’m sorry
“we decided we’re more miserable apart than together.” god they love to have sapphics together AROUND a season, never during one. because they hate us. (i say this in a joking way.) 
(but do i though?)
“she’s schwarzenegger, i’m devito.” i hate this. hate crimes.
“why are you saying his name in my personal lair?” pen calling her home a lair i love you penelope garcia
the long history of emily not fucking being at team things i know she’s gonna swing in at the end but BRUH
also GIVE HER A MOMENT TO EMOTIONALLY REFLECT YOU COWARDS the cock of plot is so far down my throat like bro EASE UP let these bitches have some emotional depth. as a treat. state mandated. the state is me.
writers are you absolutely shitting my dick no addressing emily’s trauma with the team??? like at fucking all??????? wait a minute. this is the bad place! (i know they’re gonna deal with it next season like they did with the rossi shit, it’s classic cross-season rollover biz but also WHAT THE HELL)
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frankiebirds · 9 months ago
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okay. what if i cried. what then!
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ssaemilyhotchner · 3 months ago
thoughts of endless night (can you stake my heart)
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hotchniss・rated M (in part iii)・1.3k words i. like a secret in your throat
Aaron Hotchner was hungry.
His was no regular type of hunger. Some might have called it desire; others, more accurately, bloodlust. But for Hotch, the intensity in his gut transcended pithy labeling. For Hotch, it was nothing short of obsession: unadulterated, hellacious, white-hot.
Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, with her shrewd mind, devastating beauty, and unquenchable curiosity…
He simply had to have her.
Striding determinately to his window which overlooked the bullpen, he watched as she scrawled diligently away at her reports, her lovely face bunched in concentration. She looked especially striking today, as if she were a temptation formed deliberately for him. And perhaps she was; he hadn’t been surprised to learn of her crush on him. She wasn't the first, after all. 
Emily was the first to garner his reciprocated attention, however. Hotch raked his gaze over her—her black pencil skirt that expertly toed the line of propriety, her red silk blouse that contrasted starkly against her alabaster skin—and had to make a conscious effort to refrain from salivating. She was always so well dressed, except for the days when she wore those damned turtlenecks. He hated what they shielded from his gaze: the smooth column of her reedy neck, the hollowed base of her delicious throat, the steady pulsing of her carotid. 
Emily was the brightest woman he had ever come across, but her smarts came at the terrible price of her unsatisfiable curiosity. Research projects, she had called them, unaware that she was in the middle of a great big ‘research project’ herself. 
Poor Emily, he thought, always meddling in things she shouldn’t.
Read the rest of the story here.
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isagrimorie · 7 months ago
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In season 2 Hotch is suspicious and worried that ‘Is that Legal’ Emily Prentiss is a pawn Strauss placed in the BAU.
Prentiss is the last person troubled by Elle Greenaway's 'questionable' shooting. Spies are built with moral ambiguities. But Hotch didn't know that.
(Pre-London Emily tried to reset her life. And succeeded before Ian Doyle re-entered her life. Post-London!Emily realized and learned she could 'live' with her moral ambiguities.)
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